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Council Business

Latest Council Meeting Highlights and Draft Minutes – 21 Jan 2025

These are the meeting highlights and the draft minutes for the 21st January 2025 meeting. Note that the minutes will be labelled 'draft' until formally signed off at the next meeting.

Published: 22 January 2025

Please get in touch if you’d like the council to discuss something – you can click here to contact us.
The full draft minutes of the meeting can be found here

Full council meeting:  The council enjoyed the first meeting for some months with a full complement of councillors and the Chair was happy to welcome our new members to their first meeting as councillors.

Playground:  Cllr Gareth Sargeson updated the council on the work he’s been doing to modernise the play area. He recently visited the village school to hold a Q&A session with the children on the sort of things they’d like to see. They’ve already had an impact on the design but will get to vote in a future session! All told, the session went down extremely well and sets the scene for a super ‘children led’ design. We’ll do a proper news article soon so keep an eye out on the website. 

Dead of Easement:  The council is closer to this being signed and the paperwork is with solicitors. This puts us one step closer to the handing over of liability for water utilities around the village hall to Yorkshire Water. 

Village Hall:  Due to the resignation of Cllrs Verrill and Parsons, the council needed to fill the two vacancies left on the Village Hall Committee. Cllrs Andy Hogg and Steve Oliver are now nominated as the new council representatives and are looking forward to working with our colleagues at the hall. 

Dog Fouling:  We discussed again the issue of dog fouling around the village. The general consensus is that some people will unfortunately never do the right thing, however, we are determined to help those who find themselves accidentally without poo bags. We’re looking to mount dispensers on the notice boards to help those who forget or find themselves running out on the way round. 

Avant Homes:  The council continues to write to interested parties around the Avant Homes proposal. The formal position of the council in terms of its objection has not changed but the council  feels that continuing to write around some of those objections and observations is the right thing to do to ensure the council’s position is fully understood. 

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